We are pleased that more and more of our customers are putting ‘the extra mile’ in their customer experience programmes. Increasingly, we are asked to have a feedback conversation with the employee immediately after a customer experience visit about the customer experience.
We call them “Customer Experience visits with direct feedback”. Within 15-20 minutes after the visit has taken place (after recording his experience), the shopper returns to the shop or showroom and makes himself known in a positive way: “Happy to meet you, I’m XXX, I’m here for the customer experience programme”, after which he or she gives feedback on his experience as a customer in a 1-on-1 conversation based on his report with the employee
One step further still are our “Customer Experience Visits with direct feedback and coaching”. In this case, the mystery shopper is a professional coach trained by us. Once they have made themselves known, a feedback and coaching session follows, preferably in the presence of the manager. The coach carries a coaching booklet and, using this booklet, has the employee reflect on his or her own behaviour during the visit: “what would I do the same, what would I do differently, if I could do the interview again”. Then coach and employee together determine three S.M.A.R.T. action points to be formulated, which the employee can work on. Two to three weeks after the visit, the coach follows up on these action points (e.g. by making a follow-up call and/or sending a postcard as a reminder on these action points).
Are you ready for the next step in your customer experience programme?
Then get further information about the possibilities of our customer experience visits with coaching. These visits with immediate feedback and coaching are also excellent for Customer Service contacts (by phone or online).