Benchmark study consumer durables retail 2023-2024

An analysis of n=4,755 customer experience visits conducted by Multi-Value at nonfood/consumer durables retailers in the Benelux in 2023/2024 reveals interesting insights about the impact employees in the shop itself have on NPS results. By welcoming incoming customers enthusiastically or not, discovering the customer’s needs well or not, NPS differences of more than 60 points can arise.

Net Promoter Score as KPI

The NPS is and will continue to be an important customer KPI (Key Performance Indicator) in retail. In many of our customer experience visits, it turns out that it is mainly the employees in the shop who make the difference here. They have a direct impact on the share of promoters among shopping customers and are therefore at the controls when it comes to turning Passives into Promoters.

The NPS (Net Promoter Score) is determined by asking how likely customers are to recommend the employee and/or shop to friends and acquaintances as a result of their visit to the shop on a scale of 0 to 10. Customers who give a 9 or 10 to that question are called Promoters. Customers who give a 7 or 8 are called Passives. Customers who give a 6 or lower are called Detractors. The NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters.

The NPS is an important KPI in the field of Customer Experience.

NPS drivers at non-food retailers

In our extensive database of customer experience visit data collected from non-food retailers, we see that it is often the same points where employees in customer contact still miss opportunities. What we also see is that these are the same points that help determine whether customers become Promoter, Passive or Detractor.

Based on our benchmark data at non-food/durables retailers in 2023/2024, we see that the NPS is substantially higher in customer experience visits where:

  • Employees greet the customer enthusiastically (+40 points difference)
  • Employees are good at discovering the customers needs (+68 points difference)
  • Employees who suggest additional products and services (add-on sales as a service) meet the customer’s needs (+40 points difference)
  • Employees know how to remove doubts or objections (+65 points difference)
  • Employees at the check-out introduce the loyalty program (loyalty card) (+20 points difference)

Interested to know more?

Measuring is knowing of course, but knowing without doing does not add value. It is important that the right actions are taken on these NPS drivers. Multi-Value coaches retail organisations on Customer Excellence on a daily basis. With a focused program on measurement, training and coaching, we can also contribute to your organisation’s Customer Excellence objectives.

If you would like to know more about this NPS benchmark analysis at non-food/consumer durables retailers, or if you would like more information on services, please feel free to contact us.

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